EBSOMAT 33-1 manual

EBSOMAT 33-1 manual

As a result of the current global parts shortages that have affected all manufacturers, Ebso is unable to provide definitive lead times for their products. As a result, delivery may take up to 3-4 months from the time of order placement. It is important to note that Blundell cannot make any guarantees, and it is possible that the actual lead time may exceed 4 months due to circumstances beyond our control. Please also note that our current pricing is under review.

Cutting machine for radially taped components

Lead Diameter 0,30 mm – 1,00mm

Component Height max. 40,00mm

Component Diameter max. 18,00mm

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Technical Data

Output, motorised 0.004
Output, manual 101-200mm
Dimensions (W x D x H) in mm 240 x 165 x 210
Weight (kg) 6.0
Construction Lightweight metal casting
Tape Pitch Dimension rated-2


Radial Component Cutting and trimming machine (Can be motorised)


  • Hand cranked (motorised option) preforming and de-taping machine for taped radial components.
  • Cutting length easily adjustable
  • Easy to use and adjust
  • Accommodates tapes with different thicknesses and pitch dimensions
  • Compact, space saving design
  • Low maintenance

Additional information

Output, motorised

60,000 cph

Output, manual

40,000 cph

Dimensions (W x D x H) in mm

240 x 165 x 210

Weight (kg)



Lightweight metal casting

Tape Pitch Dimension

12,70mm, 15,00mm

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